Here is my preliminary exercise

I undertook a preliminary exercice to practice filming and editing. Below is my task: 
I had to learn how to focus the camera and I learnt how to bubble the tripod.
Before leaving class I learned how to use the canon 650 and the manfrotto tripod.
I understood the importance of getting the camera properly focussed.
My task is set out in the page named PRELIMINARY EXERCISE:


A suitcase exchange was meant to happen however two characters get their cues mixed top before the big swap which results in a very angry boss finding a pizza box instead of the expected package...

In the opening, we stated off with two characters in. two shot,(the one of the right being me) who were both carrying a suit case a close up of the cases was filmed to signal to the audience that this would be the main focus point and that something may or may not happen to them so we should keep a close eye...The characters were distracted enough to accidentally pick up the other's case. This mistake is not noticed till the end when one of the character first realises that she has got the wrong case in a mid shot of her listening to music rather peacefully. After a series of few shots, we see the egocentric boss opening the suit case to find a pizza box to his surprise. This was filmed using a reaction shot of the character when opening the brief case.

Possible shot ideas to incorporate:
  • tracking shot of person A on the way.
  • pan as person A enters room.
  • Over the shoulder shot to show person B greeting / talking
  • over the shoulder shot to show person A's response
  • shot reverse shot to show person B
Show that you can:
  • Use a tripod to keep shots steady (bubble the tripod).
  • Focus the camera. 
  • Take care of the camera and tripod.
  • Observe the 180 degree rule.  
  • Edit the sequence to make meaning clear. (Tutorial here.)
  • If you wish, you can add titles / sound to the edit. 

The problems I was faced with:

  • I knew I had to observe the 180 degree rule
  • I edited this by myself using iMovie.
  • I had to make sure all the clips conformed to the direct storyline we thought of.
  • I had to make sure background sound would not interfere with the quality of our production.
The entirety of my shots were to explore the usefulness of the camera 70D and to get com portable with executing different types of shots and editing them after wards. I decided to make a series of shots including mid, establishing and low angle shots which would from a. Character or a setting in a  way to focus audience attention to the location/ character. I merged shots of the landscape e.g. a garden, in order to work with different environments and really generate interest in the moving shots. This exercise was very helpful as I would I could refer back to them in order to film the shots form my film and to edit with confidence to create tow effective trailers. 

With this preliminary exercise. I wanted to convey the feeling of the character bing obsessed with he doll and show a creepy  side of the protagonist found in certain type of thrillers. I found the voice overland editing was rather effective as it helped convey that sense of abnormality and made the role played by the character more authentic. The idea of the doll could potentially be used for the film as another idea for an opening. 

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of preliminary exercises. You did a great deal more than this so it would be good to present the evidence.



MARADA KOCHI CANDIDATE NUMBER 1526 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with Chloe Saville 1553 and Lydia O'Reill...