Monday 27 November 2017

Planning:The story board.

When making the storyboard, I decided to think outside of the box by going on a website called "Storyboard That" as I wanted a special level of professionalism expressed through my work. I was able to clearly illustrate the character's action through the film and focus on the emotions she was feeling.

Making a story board helped me lay out the plot of my film in a clear manner so that I can look at my thought process and know what to do next.... I divided my information by shot number, types, actions from the character and the location in which we will film. I kept it factual as it is a straight forward way of layout out ideas.

Made with Storyboard That

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MARADA KOCHI CANDIDATE NUMBER 1526 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with Chloe Saville 1553 and Lydia O'Reill...