Tuesday 23 January 2018

Construction: Updating Eve's personal blog x filming the friends blog scene

Today we filmed two separate parts of the film which would be merged together to give to an impression that Eve was looking at her old blogs with her friends. We filmed a scene where she was scrolling through her blog and clicked on an old video she had made in the past.

When filming  key scenes of Eve's personal blog, I had to go back to the Wix editor website that I created a while back (post was made about this lower down in my blog) I have to go back and make sure small tweaks were made and more content was added to give a sense of realism when we see her scrolling through this blog.

This scene mainly consisted of a over the shoulder shot of Eve scrolling on her blog and we added a special feature; a screen recording made on Quicktime.  Which I edited in using the ken burns effect on iMovie. We were able to transition form the over the shoulder shot to the screen wording of her clicking a exploring her old blog.

This gives the viewer a different perspective/ outlook of Eve's world and almost entices them to want to see more as she pauses the video 'halfway' through.

Risk assessment:

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