Friday 2 February 2018

Construction: Filming the bathroom scene

The final scene in our film was staged in the bathroom as it was a place we wanted the audience to see Eve confiding herself with her blog viewers. In this scene she is seen acting distressed and agitated which shows the audience that she was been destabilised/triggered by a certain event of issues that has occurred in her life. We see her holding the opioids packet and pulling on her hair which we felt would express the angst felt by the character.

Diegetic sounds of the character speaking and her heavy and distressed breathing, increase the scene's climax and make it easier for the audience see that she is in not in her usual state, this reveals that perhaps, she has cracked. Non-diegetic sound that  we edited in were a heartbeat sound effect as we wanted to increase tensions and show that her emotive state was only getting worse. Heartbeats also connote high tension environments and states as seen in different films throughout.

As editing, we added in a green screen frame with the 'REC' sign at the top to show that she was now addressing the blog and her potential viewers which she confides in. Also using voice recorder to record her voice in a clearer manner without other sounds echoing or interfering with her voice. We had to add this recording in as well and make sure it was timed properly with the video or else the clip would seem rather juvenile and poor quality.  The editing was faced based as it switch back and fourth from close ups to extreme close poses where we see the character, Eve expressing a great amount of distress.

The series of shots where we see her looking into her camera, give the audience a different angle in which they can follow Eve and see what is happening around her.  This also gives a contrast between what is real and what is not. This keeps the audience surprised as hey do not know what is going to happen next when looking at her from a different angle. From the mirror we are able  to see her movements clearly and we can now definitely get the idea that she is not doing so well emotionally.

The scene ends with a cliff hanger which emphasises our film being an enigma code, as the audience is left thinking what is it that "they deserved", as said by Eve repetitively, during her recording. We see her leave the blog shot and as clarification the audience also sees the bathroom mirror reflection showing an empty room, indicating that she is gone off to do something bad...

This is best represented with the series of shot reverse shots and the non-diegetic sounds added in such as the camera beep which signals the end of her blog recording, the camera unfocusing and the numbers at the bottom of the shot still recording.

Risk Assessment:

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MARADA KOCHI CANDIDATE NUMBER 1526 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with Chloe Saville 1553 and Lydia O'Reill...